Communicate, communicate, communicate….

But do we really want to communicate?

It may be more precise to say we simply wish to transmit chat which we consider opportune for the world and our kind to know. In us, the best and the worst of us is locked away, well protected—at times so well guarded that even we ourselves cannot decipher it. It is thus that large and small problems are born.  False or interrupted communications whose aim is to set wider boundaries within which to work.

The main problem is that whoever starts this game must become convinced that he has expressed himself correctly. The initial rough going is forgotten, and so offense is taken should the interlocutor provide an interpretation chat is perceived as distorted. The interlocutor, in turn, is alarmed and seeks out new ways, more “complex and subtle,” around the obstacle.

Everything becomes more and more complicated.

The result is that positive intentions are set aside, along with reason and the serenity of the parties involved. What a simple, silly process—yet at the same time it unleashes a whole series of destructive reactions!”

Excerpt from “Alex and the Color of the Wind (The Sarasota Trilogy Book 2)” by Piero Rivolta
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Piero Rivolta is an award-winning poet and novelist devoted to exploring the depth and breadth of life. Possessed of an insatiable curiosity, a love of beauty, and a talent for creating, Piero has applied his sensibilities to not only being the author of nine books, but also to being a designer, developer, manufacturer, homebuilder and philanthropist.

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