April is National Poetry Month. This poetic month was inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996. Over the years, it has become the largest literary celebration in the world. Throughout National Poetry Month, poets, publishers, schools, literary enthusiasts, and word lovers the world over celebrate the cadence and song of poetry.

Poetry blasts, library readings, projects and so much more will take place. Every year there is ample opportunity to immerse yourself in the best and latest poetry. Experiment and play with language and words letting them trip off your tongue and through your mind creating images of alliteration or motivate action.

What is a poetic life?

“The Poetic Life (Piero Rivolta Manifesto)

We live at a time when people over-rationalize, over-complicate and overthink just about everything. Turn on the TV and you’ll see politicians and the media generate enough heated intellectual discussion to make your head spin. It sounds important, but it’s not getting us anywhere. In fact, it overwhelms and destroys most efforts to improve our lives. We seem to have forgotten what truly matters, what lies at the core of our human experience, what goes to the heart of things.

I’d like to propose a different approach, which in reality has been around for a long time—what I call a “poetic sense of life.” I’m not talking about writing verses or living like a bohemian, but about following our intuition, nurturing our curiosity and engaging in constructive observation of the world around us. Let the mind wander and engage in clear and simple reasoning without disfiguring the initial message in order to become absorbed in a vibrant and creative process, leading to all kinds of discoveries and ideas that can influence your future or even humanity in good and bad times.

I believe we should always keep in mind that simplicity is the mother of creativity, and curiosity the daughter of intelligence. Read more HERE. The Poetic Life – a Manifesto by Piero Rivolta

How do a “poetic sense of life” and experiencing poetry contribute to the society?

“It makes you aware that prejudice and social differences do indeed exist, that they are part of nature itself. It is up to us to recognize, mold and transform such profound differences in lifestyle into something positive and not destructive.” Page 61 of Just One Scent The Rest is God

How to Celebrate National Poetry Month

Poem in Your Pocket Day:

Poem In Your Pocket Day is a call to carry a little spiritual lockpick with you throughout your day, and share it with someone who may need just a bit of lyrical magic to help them through their day. Write down a classic or composes your own, but on Poem In Your Pocket day, don’t go anywhere without a freeing bit of verse.

Dear Poet:

Dear Poet is a multimedia education project inviting young people in grades five through twelve to write letters in response to poems written and read by some of the award-winning poets who serve on the Academy of American Poets Board of Chancellors. More info.

World Poetry Day:

World Poetry Day on March 21st serves as a reminder of the magnitude that reading and writing poetry has enriched and inspired the way we live our lives.

National Great Poetry Reading Day:

April 28th marks the observation of National Great Poetry Reading Day. This day celebrates distinguished poetry and the notable poets who wrote them.

Share Poetry Inspiration via social media:

More info and poetry to share here.https://pierorivolta.com/gallery/

Poetry by Piero Rivolta:

Nothing Is Without Future https://amzn.to/2mImFVL

Going By Sea https://amzn.to/2nsFoU3

One Life, Many Lives https://amzn.to/2oCftqV

Just One Scent, the Rest is God https://amzn.to/2oey7sL

The Poems of Piero Rivolta: Boxed Set https://amzn.to/2nz6yXC


Piero Rivolta is an award-winning poet and novelist devoted to exploring the depth and breadth of life. Possessed of an insatiable curiosity, a love of beauty, and a talent for creating, Piero has applied his sensibilities to not only being the author of eight books, but also to being a designer, developer, manufacturer, homebuilder and philanthropist.

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